Horror Noob on Outlast

More accurately, "HOLY SHIT WHY"
More accurately, “HOLY SHIT WHY”


Well – I played this game for about half an hour, and I think I had only made about 5 minutes worth of progress.

I’ve never really played a horror game, and maybe this is my noobness here, but this game pulled me right in.  I felt like I was there.  And damn did it feel real.

Basically you are a journalist equipped with only a camcorder (with precious battery-draining night vision capability) and tasked with the goal of exposing some not-so-good charitable foundation’s activity at an old mental asylum.

You can’t fight.  So your only options are to run, hide, or not be seen.

While your camcorder is up  you have the ability to produce notes in your notebook.  These help you along the way.

Here is a list of things that I thought were done really well:

  • Your characters breathing.  You can hear it and you know this dude is terrified.
  • The ambient sound.  It’s eerily quiet and all of the creeks and groans keep you alert.
  • The music.
  • Shimmying through tight areas.  Every single time I had to do this I felt physically vulnerable both in game and in real life.
  • Every time I pulled the camera up I had that, “Oh Shit” moment just prior to turning on the night vision.
  • Your own shadow will make you jump.
  • You can peak around terrifying corners.

I only had a chance to play for a short while, but I have to say I really like the start of this game.  I don’t have much to say in the way of plot progress or a more in-depth review of how the game actually performs.

What I can say is this:  I felt like I had to keep checking over my shoulder while I played the game.  It was an awesomely creepy and terrifying feeling.

It’s free for Playstation Plus Members this month and I recommend checking it out.




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